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Syracuse NY (KSYR). by Eric Cagan ecaganatcomcast net. This is for FS2004 just. induction. distill files to temp position. stead KSYR2011 pamphlet and all contents under Addon Scenery. position 000KSYRexclude bgl. in Addon Scenery scenery pamphlet. piazza libraryairportobject slib, airportobjectslib, and addSeevKahnTrees folders under Addon Scenery pamphlet. Add 4 folders under Addon Scenery pamphlet to future (a) available scenery config slots with FS2004. resume FS2004. This scenery was built exploitation SBuilder for the expel file cabinet, AFX for the AFCAD, GMax for all the buildings, and minute Scenery to commit all the objects. All buildings were built by myself. Airport excess objects were built exploitation the libraryairportobject slib bgl. and airportobjectslib bgl. and the tree
Show more... s built exploitation Seev Kahns trees (addSeevKahnTrees bgl). Both are included. I got the libary and SeevKahn files from Wil Morgans FRF sceneries, but arent his conception either. The airportobjects comes from MIAscenery. The AFCAD is based upon one from John Loneys. I just did some adjustments to make it more accurate. This scenery is freeware. I hope you enjoy flying into Syracuse! Show less...

Filesize: 5.87 MB | Added on: Aug 06, 2011 | Downloads: 1284