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FSX Air India A321 reg VT-PPA. developed by Yash R Shinde To install, simply place this Project Airbus A321-231 into C. software Files (x86) Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator XSimObjectsAirplanes Copyright and distribution -This repaint is released as freeware, you are not allowed to include it in any commercial package. -You are not allowed to re-upload it to any other website that charges for download. Disclaimer -Since this package is freeware, it is offered as it is so no official support will be given and the installation of it requires a basic Knowledge on how to install manually addons in FSX. -Im not responsible for any damage you could cause to your flight simulator X installation or your system (it is nearly impossible unless the file is altered from someone else), using of this file is at your own risk. credits. Model developed by Project Airbus Textures developed by Yash R Shinde

Filesize: 12.52 MB | Added on: Jun 24, 2011 | Downloads: 2112

Users Reviews
FSX Air India A321 reg VT-PPA. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

AmericanAirlines191rating: 1
July 20, 2011
I downloaded it and can t see in my game.