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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX Spitfire Mk XVIII. Externally the Mk XVIII was very similar to late production Mk XIVs. It had the bubble canopy and cut back fuselage. This aircraft did not see W. W. II service but was used in the Anti-terrorist war activities in Malaya during the 1950s. The aeroplanes role was mostly support missions for ground troops where they conducted operation Firedog missions to raid terrorist camps. GMAX mdl developed by A. F. Scrub

Filesize: 14.23 MB | Added on: Jun 04, 2011 | Downloads: 3092

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Spitfire Mk XVIII. Rating: 9.45 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

1378016305-facebookrating: 10
June 16, 2012
great little aircraft flies well very enjoyble
100001594092924-facebookrating: 9
June 4, 2012
Excellent addon. It flies really well. I m surprised by its quality.. Dear people of Surclaro. Hoping that I,m not abusing the hospitality your site, would like to express my gratitude for high quality many freeware addons exist out there , Mr. Kazunori Ito, Paul Clawson, Tim Piglet, Tom Crush Woody, Bob Chicilo, Lionheart and other whose names can t remember., excuse me about this . They all do an outstanding work which should be both mentioned appreciated those who afford paywares time. Many freewares are far better than some paywares. THANK YOU so much. Alan Castel, just a simple virtual pilot fun
lil-wise-guy-googlerating: 10
February 9, 2012
LOVE This. Fantastic if you love Spitfire. A vivid recreation I highly recommend it
fc_09535351450764850737rating: 10
September 16, 2011
I really love warbirds and this one is a true masterpiece, highly recommended
mike2098rating: 8
July 12, 2011
Really Awesome
chilliphillsoarrating: 8
July 6, 2011
good aircraft reasonable download
strongking43rating: 10
June 29, 2011
One word Super cajilistic expiala docious I ve always loved the spitfire and wanted to fly one in fsx This is a dream come true Everything was so super, super amazing cannot express that enough just can t explain how good it is, but think my at beginning summarized awesomness of this aircraft. m glad world has people who have artistic ability creat this. web site did not disapoint me bit all
1430478470-facebookrating: 9
June 28, 2011
good plane
Rapala506rating: 10
June 27, 2011
great plane
gaucho_59rating: 10
June 27, 2011
Very accurate markings... as usual, the graphics could use such little touches panel, rivets, lines etc. out of scale. I usually correct same on my downloads...
pred8torrating: 10
June 9, 2011
nice plane