Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX Sikorsky S-40 Pan Am Clipper. S-40 was first Pan Am airplane to be named Clipper. Four-engine amphibian built in 1931. Carried up to 32 passengers and 5 crew with a range up to 900 miles at cruising speed of 115 mph, mostly in Caribbean service. Includes textures for NC-80V American Clipper with early blue and yellow trim, and NC-81V Caribbean Clipper with traditional black and orange trim. Created in FSDS 3. 5, with virtual cockpit containing entire plane, including passenger compartment. All-new model supersedes Gmax model published in 2003. Includes eight additional internal views from 2D cockpit for FS2004, five internal camera views from VC for FSX. by George Diemer.
Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Sikorsky S-40 Pan Clipper. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.
FS2004 FSX Sikorsky S-40 Pan Clipper. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.
1930474250514700-facebookrating: 10
July 20, 2018
Beautiful graphics, very accurate flight dynamics, beautiful interior views.