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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX Sikorsky S-40 Pan Am Clipper. S-40 was first Pan Am airplane to be named Clipper. Four-engine amphibian built in 1931. Carried up to 32 passengers and 5 crew with a range up to 900 miles at cruising speed of 115 mph, mostly in Caribbean service. Includes textures for NC-80V American Clipper with early blue and yellow trim, and NC-81V Caribbean Clipper with traditional black and orange trim. Created in FSDS 3. 5, with virtual cockpit containing entire plane, including passenger compartment. All-new model supersedes Gmax model published in 2003. Includes eight additional internal views from 2D cockpit for FS2004, five internal camera views from VC for FSX. by George Diemer.

Filesize: 11.01 MB | Added on: Jun 03, 2011 | Downloads: 3764

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Sikorsky S-40 Pan Clipper. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

1930474250514700-facebookrating: 10
July 20, 2018
Beautiful graphics, very accurate flight dynamics, beautiful interior views.