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PROJECT JBG Another default fsx airport. brought to life for your enjoyment created by Project JBG. This is an update of the default fsx airport LSZA of Lugano, Switzerland one of the most dangerous airports in the world. Lugano-Agnos airport is located at the mouth of a valley and on the edge of a huge lake and the approach navigates around the mountain finishing with a very steep descent before hitting the tarmac, which makes it very difficult for pilots, But it also has breathtaking scenery. All taxiways and tarmac have been redone to true airport configuration including most of the buildings generated from Gmax. Car parks, people, vehicles, static aeroplanes from local airlines, various objects and vegetation were added. I recommend the terrain mesh of Europe created by Raimondo Tabure
Show more... t and J. De Ferranti (simviation) and the traffic from WOAI. You must set your graphics setting to very dense in your FSX. This compilation was made using ADE 9x version 1. 47 with fsx (not tested with any other versions of FS) -INSTALLATION. 1. Extract all files to a temporary folder 2. Copy and paste the folder luganojbgv1 and its content to the directory.. .. Microsoft flightsimulator X addon scenery 3. start your fsx and go to settings 4. click add scenery then go the the luganojbgv1 folder and should add it at the top of the list of sceneries. Enjoy it! -Feedback are most welcome. Requests are considered. You can contact Joe Garcia at joebg13athotmail. com Joe Garcia Show less...

Filesize: 2.21 MB | Added on: May 26, 2011 | Downloads: 1306

Users Reviews
PROJECT JBG default FSX airport. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

blueprint2rating: 10
August 6, 2013
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