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Textures Only
German Forces Luftwaffe Airbus A400M. FSX texture repaint in the camouflage colours of the German Forces Luftwaffe for the new military transporter Airbus A400 M. Requires the original model from Patrick Le Luyer (a400m1. zip). The new Airbus will be the replacement for the much smaller C-160 Transall. Repaint by Erwin Welker

Filesize: 3.92 MB | Added on: May 17, 2011 | Downloads: 4593

Users Reviews
German Forces Luftwaffe Airbus A400M. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

strongking43rating: 8
June 30, 2011
I simply liked everything about this plane, but the detail needs to be more robust. Otherwise, paint job, whole structure of model...there re all well done. Needless say, planes are really good. But what matters most is stability aircraft and plane exceeds those limits. This fun fly worth it. Usually, at other sites for add on planes, they charge you too much. it