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Textures Only
FeelThere Boeing 737-400. MK Studios pp0071 Studios Repaint Copyright (C) Mateusz Stabryla & Patryk Przybyla, 2009. www. mk-studios. pl All textures -Realistic -High quality, a lot of details! -Version 1. 0 This repaint is released as Freeware. Copyright (C) Mateusz Stabryla & Patryk Przybyla, 2009. As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the following conditions. 1. The repaint must be distributed without modification to the contents of the archive. 2. Redistributing this archive with any files added, removed or modified is prohibited. 3. This repaint is not for use in commercial products without author permission. For comments, mistakes reports or ideas for future realeases or requests, please visit our website or forum.

Filesize: 4.34 MB | Added on: Apr 25, 2011 | Downloads: 1328