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Complete Aircraft
Vistaliners B737-300 Southwest airlines N338SW colors. Just Place the unzipped aircraft folder into flight simulator 2004 aircraft folder and it will show up under Boeing. Cinthia Gutierrez Sanchez cinthia. gutierrezatyahoo. com

Filesize: 1.60 MB | Added on: Apr 02, 2011 | Downloads: 1748

Users Reviews
Vistaliners B737-300 Southwest airlines N338SW colors. Rating: 9.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

100001656966466-facebookrating: 10
September 8, 2011
very good download
badreddragonrating: 10
July 29, 2011
very good download
quintin108rating: 7
June 10, 2011
good looking plane love it.
Np42rating: 10
April 28, 2011
Very nice plane, down to the T I was on one of these babies just other day, Florida... great job