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FSX SOOR Regina. Regina is a little french village in French Guiana on the river Approuague, and located 63 km north west of the city of Oiapoque in Brazil. This vital airfield deserve the 12, 130 square km and the 839 inhabitants of the place. Try a take-off on the early hours of the morning, this is really magnificent and give an idea of flight simulator X possibilities. N 4 19 0, W 52 7 60. Thanks to the authors of flight simulator X planner and SbuilderX for those superbes development tools. Using only existing elements of FSX, this should not hit too much your FPS. Thanks, a lot, to Bruno BLB and Arnaud520 from the France Aviation Virtuelle for helping with the testing of the scenery. Its under my copyright, and should be only freely distributed and in any case never be part of a comm
Show more... ercial package. There is nothing there which could possibly damage your computer or your FS, so I am not taking any responsibility in any possible incident on your machines. unzip the files and folders under your addon scenery directory declare the scenery Thats it. Unfortunatly, as far as I know, this scenery is not compatible with previous versions of FS. Enjoy flying in that amazing area ! Dominique M. L. Donzelot ddonzelotataol. com (also author of SOOC, LFFK, ACLT, LFRI, LFNQ, SMLB, LFOO, LFRE, LFEA, LHC1, FMXX, LTFB, LFXH, LFSP, LFEV, LFOY, IOAL, LFGD, LFQM, LFSA, LFSA photo scenery, LFYS, EGKR, LFNL for flight simulator X and LFFE for flight simulator X and previous versions of FS) (c) flight simulator X SOOR D. Donzelot Show less...

Filesize: 574.67 Kb | Added on: Mar 21, 2011 | Downloads: 1293