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HI33 and Hi46 scenery (fictional). Created with ADE and scenery shortcut. Adds a downed aircraft, overturned truck, and capsized boat on the island. HI-33. Turned into fly-in hospital with fire station, helipads, and hospital. Hi-46. Edited into nice little airport with helipads, parked planes and more. Helipads are spawnable. All airsrips are lighted Added taxiways and fuelpoints as well. Drop HI33&46 folder into add on scenery and then activate as normal. THis is freeware and I assume no responsibilty. Thanks to abacus for their scenery shortcut and the ADE crew for their fine freeware utility. Created created by Steven Dean. Enjoy!

Filesize: 428.70 Kb | Added on: Mar 16, 2011 | Downloads: 2181