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Flushing Meadows flight simulator X. I decided to create this addon for Flushing Meadows Park for all those flying into out of KLGA. The default scenery is somewhat buggy with flashing objects and misplaced objects and I decided to try my hand at some scenery development. This is my first scenery developed for flight simulator and am quite please with the results. The models for the Unisphere and the 1964-45 Worlds Fair Pavillion and Towers are new models created using Google Sketchup. The Tennis Center stadiums, Citi Field, Yankee Stadium, and the Queens Museum of Art are the excellent Google Earth models. Photo Satellite Scenery is LOD 17 (1 m) with hand placed autgen. I also added in the new Yankee Stadium located in the Bronx outside of FLushing Meadows Queens. Currently no night or se
Show more... asonal textures. Thanks to all the excellent scenery tools developed created by the community. Special thanks to Arno and Dick for their exellent utilities ModelConverterX and SBuilderX. Install 1. Unzip and add the Flushing Meadows Folder to the addon Scenery Folder in the Main flight simulator X Directory. 2. Open SCenery Library and Add Area (if you are having issues see this video tutorial on adding scenery to fsx. http. iblueyonder. com video-tutorial-addin g-scenery-to-fsx-in- windows-7 3. Enjoy your flight. I welcome any feedback on this scenery. Its my first attempt so be kind. I can be reached at wallyguard69-mailaty ahoo. com Enjoy. Wally Show less...

Filesize: 37.06 MB | Added on: Mar 16, 2011 | Downloads: 1284