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Sky Sim Hawk T1 19 SQN Anniversary Battle of Britain. Here is a repaint for the Sky Sim Hawk T1 Front seat only. I have recreated this texture from 19 SQN Anniversary Battle of Britain vintage colours for the hawk, which is based at RAF Valley. This Hawk was created for the aniversery for 19 SQN which is base at RAF Valley, on the island of Anglesy, in Wales. Install Instructions. 1. copy the folder texture. xx184 into you skysim Hawk T. Mk1 FrontSeat folder. 2. Add the following to the aircraft file, where xx is the next sequential number. [fltsim. xx] title BAe Hawk T1 19 SQN Anniversary sim HawkT1 model frontseat panel sound texture XX184 kbchecklists HawkT1check kbreference HawkT1ref uimanufacturer BAe uitype Hawk T. Mk1 uivariation Hawk 19 SQN Aniversery uityperole Single Engine Jet T
Show more... rainer uicreatedby Gordon Barnes atcid XX184 atcairline AIRFORCE atcflightnumber XX184 description 19 SQN Anniversary Hawk based at RAF Valley. copyrights at2008 Rick Piper & Skysim Enjoy. Gordy RAF Email comments to Mrclaypoleathotmail. co. uk Show less...

Filesize: 1.74 MB | Added on: Feb 26, 2011 | Downloads: 1314