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Skysim T1. Mk1 RAF 2010 Display. These are the new RAF Hawk T1a 208 SQN Royal Airforce 2010 Display Hawk, for the payware skysim Hawk. You have both aircraft here xx220 and xx263. All aircraft have been photographed by myself and painstakingly added to the skysim model. Skysim hawk website: http: www. sky-sim. co. uk catalog index. php Information RAF Valley (IATA: HLY, ICAO: EGOV) is a Royal Air Force station on the island of Anglesey, Wales, less formally known as Anglesey Airport. It provides fast-jet training using the BAE Hawk. No. 4 Flying Training School takes RAF and Royal Navy pilots from 1FTS at RAF Linton-on-Ouse and trains them to fly fast jets, prior to training on an Operational Conversion Unit. 4 FTS is divided into two squadrons; 208 Sqn provides the advanced flying trainin
Show more... g, students then moving onto 19 Sqn to receive tactics and weapons training. Valley is also home to C Flight of 22 Sqn with Sea King helicopters. These are busy in the Search and Rescue role, rescuing people from ships in the Irish Sea, from the mountains of nearby Snowdonia and elsewhere. The mountain rescue work in Snowdonia is coordinated with the North Wales Mountain Rescue Association. The base is also home to SARTU (Search and Rescue Training Unit), part of the Defence Helicopter Flying School, using Squirrel and Griffin helicopters, and newly home to the relocated headquarters elements of both 22 and 202 Squadrons. setting-up Instructions Just copy the two files into you flightsim X folder. eg.. . FSXSimObjectsAirplan es Then copy and past the text below into the air. cfg file, replacing the xx with the next siquential number. [fltsim. xx] title BAe Hawk T. Mk. 1 FrontSeat Hawk Display 2010 xx220 sim HawkT1 model frontseat panel sound texture xx220 kbchecklists HawkT1check kbreference HawkT1ref uimanufacturer BAe uitype Hawk T. Mk1 uivariation RAF Display Hawk 2010 XX220 uityperole Single Engine Jet Trainer uicreatedby Skysim atcid xx220 atcairline AIRFORCE atcflightnumber XX220 description Hawk 2010 copyrights at2008 Rick Piper & Skysim [fltsim. xx] title BAe Hawk T. Mk. 1 FrontSeat Hawk Display 2010 xx263 sim HawkT1 model frontseat panel sound texture xx263 kbchecklists HawkT1check kbreference HawkT1ref uimanufacturer BAe uitype Hawk T. Mk1 uivariation 2010 DISPLAY XX263 uityperole Single Engine Jet Trainer uicreatedby Skysim atcid xx263 atcairline AIRFORCE atcflightnumber XX263 description Hawk 2010 copyrights at2008 Rick Piper & Skysim Enjoy Gordon Barnes RAF Show less...

Filesize: 8.09 MB | Added on: Feb 25, 2011 | Downloads: 1983

Users Reviews
Skysim T1.Mk1 RAF 2010 Display. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

somdechrating: 10
April 11, 2013
johnhatvol-googlerating: 10
March 13, 2012
Excellent edition Very good quality graphics
100000553767684-facebookrating: 10
September 20, 2011