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ISDT Teams ATR-42-300 Aeroperlas. Repaint for ISDT Teams ATR-42-300 in the colors of Aeroperlas, you can donwload it at: http: isdt-israel. com projects projects. htm This is free of charge, hope you enjoy it. I was not able to get good pictires to make it photo realistic, hope some time will do.

Filesize: 2.45 MB | Added on: Jan 27, 2011 | Downloads: 2187

Users Reviews
ISDT Teams ATR-42-300 Aeroperlas. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

jackyteam88rating: 7
May 15, 2011
this one seems like a fun plante to flight,
m_garryrating: 1
February 4, 2011
Ca not download this file .
pl21rating: 6
January 30, 2011
Why i Can not download it
jusnuttsrating: 6
January 27, 2011
this looks great