Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft
Boeing 7e7-800 Stellweg Airlines. Thank you for downloading my version of Robert Versluys Boeing 7e7-800. It is the Stellweg Airlines livery, member of The DFW group. This is the complete aircraft, model included with default panel and sound (B737-800). setting-up instructions are simple ; Unzip the downloaded file : Boeing 787-800 Stellweg Airlines. zip in for instance C:Temp and drag the yellow folder called Boeing 787-800 Stellweg Airlines into ; C:Microsoft GamesFlightsimulator XSimobjectsAirplanes Drag the contents of the yellow Effects folder (fxsmokeexhaustTheDF Wgroup. fx) into here ; C:Microsoft GamesFlightsimulator XEffects. When finished unpacking and dragging, start-up Flightsimulator and find my aircraft under Boeing were a small aircraft picture thumbnail is shown. Thank you, Mr. Robert Versluys for your fine aircraft model. Your always welcome at dick. stellwegatgmail. com if help needed.

Filesize: 1.47 MB | Added on: Jan 22, 2011 | Downloads: 1537

Users Reviews
Boeing 7e7-800 Stellweg Airlines. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Glyssarating: 5
January 22, 2011
looks great