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FS2004 FSX Bloch 200 French bomber. The Bloch MB. 200 was a French bomber aircraft built by Societe des Avions Marcel Bloch, designed in response to a 1932 requirement for a new day night bomber. The MB. 200 entered production in 1933, and equipped 12 French squadrons by the end of 1935. Production in France totalled over 200 aircraft. The MB. 200 was still used but obsolete at the beginning of WW2. GMAX mdl by A. F Scrub

Filesize: 4.51 MB | Added on: Jan 21, 2011 | Downloads: 2282

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Bloch 200 French bomber. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

fc_15834118652148881860rating: 7
July 8, 2011