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FS2004 FSX Dornier Do17 WW2 bomber3. The Dornier Do17M Light Bomber started out as a simple fast mail plane but became one of the most famous and successful bombers of the Luftwaffe and many smaller nations, spawning a number of combat aircraft firsts. Some planes had bombs removed and cameras installed as Do17P. You get both types. Original mdl by Thicko, upgraded to FS2004 FSX by A. F. Scrub.

Filesize: 8.89 MB | Added on: Dec 16, 2010 | Downloads: 2256

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Dornier Do17 WW2 bomber3. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

mrawesome445rating: 10
December 21, 2010