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FSX LFIR La Roche-sur-Yon les ajoncs. In the heart of Vendee, in the west of France, this very dynamic regional airport, with all equipment and facilities for GA, gliding, ULM, parachuting, aerobatic and. .. model flying. Thanks to the authors of flight simulator X planner and SbuilderX for those superbes development tools. Using only existing elements of FSX, this should not hit too much your FPS. Thanks, a lot, to Patrick (Pat93) from the France Aviation Virtuelle for helping with the testing of the scenery. Its under my copyright, and should be only freely distributed and in any case never be part of a commercial package. There is nothing there which could possibly damage your computer or your FS, so I am not taking any responsibility in any possible incident on your machines. There is
Show more... 2 folders to install, unzip the files and folders under your addon scenery directory declare the scenery LFIR xclud and declare the scenery LFIR La Roche sur Yon If you are using UTX Europe Terrain scenery, it would be necessary to declare the LFIR xclud folder with a lower level than UTX and the LFIR La Roche sur Yon folder with a higher level, like in this example: 1] LFIR La Roche sur Yon. .. .. . 12] UTX roads 13] UTX shores. .. .. . 17] LFIR xclud this will help for the roads of UTX not to vanish near the airfield Thats it. Unfortunatly, as far as I know, this scenery is not compatible with previous versions of FS. Enjoy flying in that amazing area ! Dominique M. L. Donzelot ddonzelotataol. com (also author of LFNQ, SMLB, LFOO, LFRE, LFEA, LHC1, FMXX, LTFB, LFXH, LFSP, LFEV, LFOY, IOAL, LFGD, LFQM, LFSA, LFSA photo scenery, LFYS, EGKR, LFNL for flight simulator X and LFFE for flight simulator X and previous versions of FS) (c) flight simulator X LFIR D. Donzelot 2010 Show less...

Filesize: 493.82 Kb | Added on: Nov 12, 2010 | Downloads: 1485