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Complete Aircraft
United Express ERJ-145. PROJECT OPENSKY EMBRAER ERJ-145 V1 for flight simulator fs2004 only Embraer 145LR United Express (ExpressJet) Merger Livery Copyrights: This aircraft is made created by Project OpenSky Model Builder: Nicholas Wilkinson VC Model Builder: Jacob Kubique VC Model Development Support: Corey Ford XML Coding: Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics: Warren C Daniel, Brandon Henry Master Textures: Samy Fay Painted: Joe Shimmel Features (in depth) : This model is made for flight simulator fs2004 and has some XML coded animations. Dynamic flexing wings Wing views Functional Virtual Cockpit Dynamic Lighting for the Virtual Cockpit Fully animated control surfaces Fully independent suspension Trim Animation Opening Passenger Doors Animated tilting bogies Rolling wheels Animated thrust rev
Show more... ersers Detailed textures Advanced night lighting Crash affects Airstairs Rolling stairs And more.. . For contact and information visit our webpage and forum: http: www. projectopensky. com For help and FAQ, before posting a new thread in our forum, please consult the Knowledge Base before starting a new thread: http: forum. projectopensky. com index. php?showforum 24 Repaint Email: jps14atscasd. org Show less...

Filesize: 8.11 MB | Added on: Oct 25, 2010 | Downloads: 2591

Users Reviews
United Express ERJ-145. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

100002141166893-facebookrating: 10
July 19, 2013
Classic download, fly it regularly. No panel or guage issues.
aeromxrating: 10
June 20, 2013
ainarating: 10
November 2, 2012
very good add on