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FSx Landclass Lanai and Kahoolawe. This is a complete landclass modification for the Island of Lanai and Kahoolawe. I live on the Island of Maui and spend time on the other islands. When I first looked at the Microsoft and other landclass modifications I was disappointed with their rendering of Hawaii textures. The changes made to Lanai and Kahoolawe improve the landclass and correct Lanais city layout. Missing roads and trails and other objects have also been added to the island. The landclass was designed with the original Microsoft textures. Ultimate Terrain will work with no problems as long as this scenery is at a library level above UTX. I am working on a version that will better match the GEX textures and am almost finished with that project. I will upload the GEX modification soon.
Show more... There are four different texture files located in the folder FSXLanaiCityGEX. You can try each city landclass and use the one that you like. This will change only the town. The GEX modification Im working on will change all of the island textures. Another modification that has been incorporated into the design is a correction for seasonal changes in Hawaii. There is little or no seasonal change of foliage in Hawaii. The default Microsoft seasons for Hawaii are incorrect. The modification included is in a separate folder and it will correct this problem for all of the Hawaiian Islands. The Island of Kahoolawe has no runway but does have a Heliport that is not listed and it has been added to the Kahoolawe scenery. If you can fly a chopper you now can land on the Island of Kahoolawe. The location is as follows: N2030. 91 W15640. 89 If you have any questions or suggestions my email address is: ve7cbbatgmail. com Charles Reid Show less...

Filesize: 6.06 MB | Added on: Oct 09, 2010 | Downloads: 5984