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Special Effects
IOWA-class battleship FSX Features. FSX features for the battleships of the IOWA-class from Gart Shetter (requires IOWACLASSBATTLESHIP. ZIP). This american warships had a very long carier from WW II until the end of the 20th century. Options: Photorealistical quadriple AA-guns and remote firecontrol which can be rotated for 360 degrees. Photorealistical bridge and foredeck. Included are sounds, special effects and modified camera views for the huge ship. Bitmaps, configuration for all the views, sounds and effects from Erwin Welker

Filesize: 6.93 MB | Added on: Sep 24, 2010 | Downloads: 1980

Users Reviews
IOWA-class battleship FSX Features. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

Mikafsxrating: 10
April 18, 2011
I m Gonna Try it, but i think its Very good. thanks for making it
cpnstavrating: 10
October 10, 2010
brilliant detail Excellent