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Complete Aircraft
X-47B Nacy demonstrator V2. To install just unzip this folder into your fs9 aircraft folfer, and that it. Enjoy. P. S. No panel or sound is supplied with the aircraft choose which one you will. The X-47B uses the same sound as the F-15 does, so you can use any F-15 sounds you have with it and it will do well. Version 3 will be modeled after the production model currently in testing. Coming Soon!! Any comments questions, suggestions to make this aircraft better, contact me at picaboodreatyahoo. com Andre Thomas Regards.

Filesize: 6.59 MB | Added on: Sep 16, 2010 | Downloads: 2913

Users Reviews
X-47B Nacy demonstrator V2. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

1400184595-facebookrating: 5
August 29, 2012
no bad idea to create this aircraft, but downloadable