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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS KBT Lockheed VP-3A Catbird for FSX. Updated by Shane Reilly and Bob Familton FS KBT Original Aircraft. I thank them for their beautiful design. Thanks to Jens-Ole Kjolberg for his CIA repaint and Nobu Aki for his Japanese Coast Guard repaint. Update for the EP-3E Aries II and WP-3D Orion will come in the near future.

Filesize: 43.73 MB | Added on: Sep 05, 2010 | Downloads: 3722

Users Reviews
FS KBT Lockheed VP-3A Catbird FSX. Rating: 9.60 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

johnhatvol-googlerating: 9
March 13, 2012
Very good plane Flight again
dfozzirating: 9
September 14, 2011
gr8 a c but the radio s did nt work in vc
ezy159rating: 10
May 28, 2011
awsome plane
NathanM151rating: 10
May 8, 2011
very good plane I would get it
jaymerrating: 10
October 24, 2010
this was great