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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX Firefox 2. This is an update for both FS 9 and flight simulator X of the FS 9 Firefox 2 developed by Owen Smoot, painted developed by Kurt Beswick. This is my last FS 9 update for it with the following changes: the textures have been changed so they work in flight simulator X as well as FS9, the afterburner effects have been changed. See the read me for how to install in fs2004 or FSX. This is my last update for flight simulator X acceleration. I may, or may not, update something for fs2004 after this update. This is the whole aircraft. Bob Chicilo. bchiciloatjet2. net

Filesize: 4.10 MB | Added on: Aug 11, 2010 | Downloads: 3257

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Firefox 2. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

johnhatvol-googlerating: 8
March 13, 2012
awesome plane Keep the good work
lllkyl3zlllrating: 10
January 25, 2011
fc_10310468822589956677rating: 9
December 22, 2010
Absolutely incredible. My only criticism is that it appears to be missing some engine guages FSX panel have not tried FS9 and there no Tail view. Spot view just can t keep up with this plane.
RAYESrating: 10
September 28, 2010
fc_08366959654050215559rating: 8
August 17, 2010
Aweosome I always wanted one of these Thanks