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FS2004 VFR Letters SS v2. With these scenery objects you can paint the name of any airfield or town in enormous letters on the ground or on flat rooftops. Why? To help pilots flying VFR to figure out where they are. course. If youre using Instant Scenery or some other software that allows you to tilt scenery objects, youll also be able to place the letters on pitched roofs or pretty much anyplace else you want. Version 2 adds alternate sets of lettering with a worn and weathered look. developed by Sidney Schwartz.

Filesize: 11.05 MB | Added on: Jul 22, 2010 | Downloads: 1246

Users Reviews
FS2004 VFR Letters SS v2. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

fc_15125412642265272231rating: 10
August 23, 2010
Hi. Flying Vfr is incredible sometimes you encounter verry nasty situations especially with heavy conditions Nice scenery grtzzzz Niels