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Special Effects
Messerschmitt Me 323 FSX panel option. FSX panel option to insert a Horch military vehicle and 3 gunnerpositions into the Messerschmitt Me 323 Gigant from Kazunori Ito (requires: me323e2. zip). This huge transporter was originally a glider giant. Later a version was equiped with six 990 HP engines. This aircraft was able to carry a payload of 11 tons. With this panel features you can change from the pilots seat to the cargoroom. With key-commands you can insert a Horch car, start its engine and move it trough the cargo door outside. Additional there are 3 gunner positions, which can be manned and rotated. Flackclouds or target hit effects can be turned on per switches at all gunstations. Additional cameras allows 3 external views. Configuration and bitmaps from Erwin Welker

Filesize: 2.41 MB | Added on: Jul 02, 2010 | Downloads: 1622