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FSX Ouessant. This scene has been made as a complement for France FVR Bretagne flight simulator X + alro creation Britany Lighthouses paywares. Both excellents. If you are a freeware integrist, you can import the lighthouses from google earth, make you own photo real using title earth etc.. . But you will need to cut the cost, Which is ALOT of work in mer, diroise and you will miss the amazing night animations of the raybeams. So why bother? In anycase you will need a good mesh for the added autogen and beskope batiments to stick. It covers extensivelly the island of Ouessant and add stuff to ile de Sein and ile of molene. (more than 1000 non generic detailled objets added, some of them stupidly highly detailled, still a concerted effort was made not too affect the FPS) Missing lighthouses
Show more... after the alro addon have been added too. Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR flight simulator X Bretagne and Alros Lighthouses. This scene is well know to France users and has been totally debugged, this is its fith iteration and it is now into a final stage, still if you need to express feedback use the france vfr forum (english tab) http: www. francevfr. com forum index. php and contact me (alias Etien) Hope you will enjoy this uniq island of France. (a national park). As a easter egg, all the elements were developped in the instant scenery library framework. So they can be used elsewhere (just quote me when you do that). Some are very generic as the beach crowd that could be used in any beach. Sunseekers are derived from the work of ArqDick found in google sketchup 3D warehouse. Etien Argharg Show less...

Filesize: 6.94 MB | Added on: May 21, 2010 | Downloads: 1765

Users Reviews
FSX Ouessant scene a complement France FVR Bretagne + alro. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

johne11rating: 10
May 30, 2010
Nice airport by the bay.