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Unst Airport EGPW FOR flightsim X. Unst is one of the North Isles of the Shetland Islands, Scotland. It is the northernmost of the inhabited British Isles and is the third largest island in Shetland after the Mainland and Yell. It has an area of 46 square miles (120 km2). [2] Unst is largely grassland, with coastal cliffs. Its main village is Baltasound, formerly the second largest herring fishing port after Lerwick and now the location of a brewery, a leisure centre and the islands airport. Other settlements include Uyeasound, home to Greenwells Booth (a Hanseatic warehouse) and Muness Castle (built in 1598 and sacked by pirates in 1627) ; and Haroldswick, location of a boat museum and a heritage centre. A very small airport in the north of Scotland. General Information http: en. wikipedi
Show more... a. org wiki Unst Tiree Airfield Map None Available installation Instructions Just place the EGPWADEXGB. BGL and the EGPWADEXGBCVX. bgl files into the addon Scenery folder, within the Scenery folder. eg. c:GamesFSX Addons SceneryScenery G Barnes UK. Show less...

Filesize: 597.13 Kb | Added on: Apr 12, 2010 | Downloads: 1287

Users Reviews
Unst Airport EGPW flightsim X. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

100001152994993-facebookrating: 10
July 30, 2010
B E A utiful
johne11rating: 10
May 30, 2010
Awesome and nice view on pictures.