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Complete Aircraft
COPA Repaint of the Embraer ERJ-190 developed by Mr JR Lucariny. This aircraft has been created using the original Air Canada textures as an improvised paint kit. Sadly, the model isnt very repaint-friendly, so there are certain areas of the airplane which it would help to overlook (for example radio antennas, pitot tubes, and the winglets). The airplane was designed, I believe, to only ever wear the Air Canada colors, but I have painted this on request from someone who wished to fly the Copa ERJ-190 as soon as possible. Well! To use this plane, just place this folder within your main aircraft folder! It already comes with a simple panel, so you dont need any modifications to get going. Copa will soon be taking delivery of an order of ERJ-190s from Embraer to complement its 737-700 and 737
Show more... -800 fleet; however, since there are no available images of these jets, I have painted this aircraft as I see it in my imagination. The registration number HP-1190CMP is also imaginary. Dont think any more is needed! Questions, comments? Email me at aniraptor2001athotma il. com. Enjoy! Rodrigo Flores aniraptor2001athotma il. com Show less...

Filesize: 16.07 MB | Added on: Apr 10, 2010 | Downloads: 1846

Users Reviews
COPA Repaint Embraer ERJ-190 developed Mr JR Lucariny. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

drakuljonrating: 9
February 3, 2011
Vuela bastante bien, bien dibujado tambi n. Faltar a hacer el de Copa Colombia