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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Space Shuttle Atlantis Rev 1. Ascend to 600, 000ft under your own power and then throttle back or shut down for re-entry. watch that angle of attack. No VC elevons and rudder spoiler control surfaces. body flap gear and cargo bay doors animated uses b737-800 panel from flight simulator X compiled with flight simulator fs2004 SDK, tested in flight simulator X for flight simulator X by Bruce Fitzgerald. fitzgebaathotmail. com

Filesize: 7.29 MB | Added on: Feb 24, 2010 | Downloads: 8478

Users Reviews
FSX Space Shuttle Atlantis Rev 1. Rating: 8.28 of 10 over a total of 25 reviews.

100000330358137-facebookrating: 1
July 28, 2017
wont let me download
labpadrerating: 9
March 4, 2017
Preyty neat.Cant wait to try the new revsion.
Tony1Brating: 10
May 10, 2013
This is the best add on ever. Very cool good to fly and you can outer space. You should try this not questions asked
EchoXrayAirlinesrating: 10
March 3, 2013
ts0ts0srating: 9
March 2, 2013
Gwenianrating: 10
February 4, 2013
100002247473479-facebookrating: 9
October 23, 2012
Ship is fast and smooth. Easy to control climbs great. it gets a little shaky at high speeds but that pretty much all. Get this pull cool 20 G turn. Very fun worth it.
Mpj02rating: 10
October 4, 2012
This is sooooooooo cool I went to the MOON with this
oaksasksa-googlerating: 10
April 30, 2012
tonysky5-googlerating: 9
April 9, 2012
All the way into space
hauked-googlerating: 8
March 10, 2012
kevinaaronrating: 10
December 21, 2011
this plane is so freakin awsome, it rocks the house.
Jordan12345rating: 9
November 17, 2011
strongking43rating: 9
June 30, 2011
Iv e always loved the space shuttle and any craft that can go into Although I have experienced some problems during downloading, wait was worth it. Everything is really magnificent about this. It my first plane downloaded you exceed 100,000 feet without slewing. Many thanks for Bruce Fitzgerald creating this
liskat999rating: 1
June 20, 2011
I can t open it.
Hawkxrating: 10
May 28, 2011
This space craft IS HISTORICAL. GREAT JOB thank you
fc_11292484072137720457rating: 9
February 20, 2011
abcdjrating: 10
February 9, 2011
its fun until u lose control
coreybug1997rating: 10
February 7, 2011
its fun looks great but when you start spining out on controll then get sick
fc_09603749914946429762rating: 8
July 15, 2010
Very cool.
1543116237-facebookrating: 10
July 8, 2010
I like this
robx7fcnarating: 8
July 2, 2010
Love it
Einsteinrating: 6
June 14, 2010
Thatz funny
johne11rating: 8
May 30, 2010
kool nice aircraft looks very realistic, if you could make it so dat when u take off can climb to 100,000 ft instead of slewing it, that would be best.
airpilotunitedrating: 4
February 24, 2010
as simple this Aircraft model failed to load