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Special Effects
FSX package with sensational panel and soundfeatures for the German WW2 U-Boat. from Bruce Fitzgerald (uboat. zip). The first pimp up for a submarine; almost an U-boat simulation itself. Special features: Thrue the operational Persiskope the diving and the submerging can be watched. From the attack periscope a torpedo, with a delayed explosion effect, can be launched. Both persicopes can be rotated for 360 deg, has zoom functions and can be raised and lowered. The gunner can rotate the gun and alter the elevation up and downwards. Panel graphics: Forwardview from the tower, decksviews to the front and to the rear, gunnerview, the operational HQ and the torpedotubes inside of the boat. Effects for cannonshots, torpedoattacks and the attack created by depth charges watch it under water :-) a
Show more... nd a handbook with pictures are included. Sound: Divingalarm, divingsound, cannonshot, sonar-ping and torpedolaunch. Specials sounds optional: Sound buttons from R. L. Clark allows to turn on 10 more original submarine sounds: Rough sea, hatch, merging, diving, submerging, sonar-pings, torpedo launch, attacked created by depth charges and cannonshot or even Film soundtrack. Due to the copyrights, the sounds are not included but they can all easyly downloaded at uboataces. com. Graphics and all the configuration for the extra features from Erwin Welker. Show less...

Filesize: 9.79 MB | Added on: Feb 24, 2010 | Downloads: 1328

Users Reviews
FSX package with sensational panel and soundfeatures. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

johne11rating: 10
May 30, 2010
WOW so awesome.