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FS2004 FSX Airbus A380 Disaster Response. Created in response to the earthquake to hit Haiti Jan. 2010. Repaint created by Rory Thomson & Pac kaged created by Steve Klinebriel of Partnership Pai nts. 32bit Highly Detailed graphics with nigh t light effects, a steering nosewheel, taxi an d landing lights, dynamics shine and all mov ing parts, including a fully animated landing gear animation, and more! Based on Robert Versluys model. See also FlyHosp. zip

Filesize: 3.14 MB | Added on: Feb 20, 2010 | Downloads: 1904

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Airbus A380 Disaster Response. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

jag6242rating: 1
February 21, 2010
No gages in fs9