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Santa Lucia Air Force Base N1. Ver 9. 3 Virtual Mexican Air Force Gral. de Div. P. A. Alfredo Lezama Alvarez Santa Lucia, Estado de Mexico. FS 2004 but work in flight simulator X SP1 This Work are dedicated to my GrandFather the Capt 1 Cab. Ret. Filemon Galindo Reyes who Rest on Peace, for him dedicated service to the country, my country: Mexico, who fight in the Mexican Revolution in the side of the goverment (Old Mexican Army), obtain he and all the people who fight in this war the Mexico what we knows. For He and him actions. Rest on Peace dear Dady!. This Work are dedicated too to the memory of the Tte. de Aer. Pil. Aviador. Mil. Ret. Carlos Torre de la Vega who Rest on Peace too. The Tte died some weeks later my GrandFather. For Both my sincere recognition to the work build in this wo
Show more... rld. Ejercito Mexicano Siempre Fieles ! This Facility are located in the Mexico State and is the mayor air base in Mexico. Here are the Center Air Region headquarters and is the home of many squadrons. This military area contain many Mexican Army groups, Special Forces groups and Air Force groups. Omar Eduardo Herrera Galindo. All Rights Reserved this is a SEMARV Scenery Design. www. semarv. com developed by Omar Eduardo Herrera famvirtualathotmail. com Also Visit the Official Virtual Mexican Air Force Base: http: www. famvirtual. com And visit The Official Web Page of the Mexican Air Force in http: www. sedena. gob. mx Durango, Dgo, Mexico a 10 de Febrero del 2010. Show less...

Filesize: 7.30 MB | Added on: Feb 18, 2010 | Downloads: 1523

Users Reviews
Santa Lucia Air Force Base N1. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

cibermiguelon-googlerating: 10
July 7, 2013
Good work I m from Mexico an wish a could do this kind of secenaries