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FSX Avenger II A-12A Repaints. 3 quick repaints (well, remarked, really.. . ) for Tim Conrads fascinating A-12A, what could have been, but for bureacratic bungling, constantly changing requirements and missmanagement (at#%!at% MBAs) The A-12 would have been a natural replacement for the Pig (F-111) in Australian service, with the range and warload to cover the Diggers long maritime approaches. Had the Royal Navy gone ahead with the CVA01 class of carriers, the beloved Buccaneer would have needed replacing created by the mid ninties, and a joint softwaree, a la JSF, would have been a possibility. Installation: Unzip the textures to the A-12A folder, open the config file, and copy paste the lines below into the config file, and renumber next in sequence. Enjoy. 3 7 charlie. Near Human Dystopia, some where on the Left Coast. Email xgeraetatgmail. com

Filesize: 9.81 MB | Added on: Feb 18, 2010 | Downloads: 1822