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Airbus A320 VREFA320 reference speed gauge. VREFA320 is a gauge that allowing to have the reference speed during takeoff and landing OF YOUR AIRBUS A320. This flight simulator fs2004 gauge displays the Vspeeds (V1, Vr, V2, f, s, o), and landing reference speeds (Vs, Vls, Vref, Vapp) with full flaps configuration. Click on the icon at the ground and in base of the aeroplanes weight you will see the TakeOff Vspeeds that you can insert in your FMC. Click on the icon in flight and in base of the aeroplanes weight you will see the Landing reference Vspeeds that you can insert in your FMC. The Reference speeds are only calculated for your Airbus A320. INSTALL the setting-up is very simple: 1. put in the main gauge folder of flight simulator fs2004 (Attention dont unzip this is a cab file) ; 2. p
Show more... ut in the panel folder the notes. bmp 3. modify the panel in this mode : [Window Titles] WindowXX TOData WindowXX+1 LandingData where XX is the last number of the windows titles [Window00] file MAIN1. bmp sizemm 1600 windowsizeratio 1. 000 position 7 visible 1 ident 0 windowsize 1. 000, 1. 000 windowpos 0. 000, 0. 000 gaugeXX REF-SPEED!REFSPEED, 540, 1091, 26, 26 this is the icon [WindowXX] es. XX 9 file notes. bmp sizemm 260, 260 windowsizeratio 1. 000 position 0 visible 0 ident 777 windowsize 0. 254, 0. 339 windowpos 0. 005, 0. 005 gauge00 REF-SPEED!datato, 35, 8, 218, 242 [WindowXX+1] es. XX 10 file notes. bmp sizemm 260, 260 windowsizeratio 1. 000 position 0 visible 0 ident 778 windowsize 0. 254, 0. 339 windowpos 0. 005, 0. 005 gauge00 REF-SPEED!dataland, 35, 8, 218, 242 Enjoy.. . by Carlo Chiappisi Email: kobra1505attele2. it Show less...

Filesize: 1.27 MB | Added on: Jan 18, 2010 | Downloads: 1718