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FSX conversion of flightsim 2004 freeware scenery for EDDB, BBI (former Berlin Schoenefeld after its extension to Berlin Brandenburg International). It is made created by photos and maps from drafts and pictures of an exhibition and is therefore a fictional airport which not yet exists! The airport should be ready to use in 2011 and replayce SXF EDDB, THF EDDI and TXL EDDT. Parts based on gaeddb1 created by Georg Aubele with his kind permission. Cleared to land before the airport is built! 2006-08-07 created by Gernot Zander, upd. 2010-01-10

Filesize: 3.07 MB | Added on: Jan 14, 2010 | Downloads: 1228

Users Reviews
FSX conversion flightsim 2004 freeware scenery EDDB BBI. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

mollpilrating: 7
March 21, 2010