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FSX SS ADVENTURE A 1930s Tramp Steamer Pilotable. The Adventure is an example of the kind of tramp steamer that played such a big part in the literature of the 1930s, from King Kong to Terry and the Pirates. developed by an amazing coincidence, the Adventure is the sister ship to the Venture the ship that sailed to Skull Island in King Kong. You can use the Adventure to conduct your own expedition to Skull Island. Or if you prefer the pirate life, you can selct pirate mode and join the Dragon Lady in the South China Seas. Developed by Phil Crowther crowtherphilathotmai l. com

Filesize: 1.66 MB | Added on: Jan 11, 2010 | Downloads: 1936

Users Reviews
FSX SS ADVENTURE A 1930s Tramp Steamer Pilotable. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

hauked-googlerating: 9
March 10, 2012
this was fun
erycklegarating: 9
June 7, 2010
very good..