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FSXSave Version 1. 0. 4 Features: Users can configure the following settings from within FSX: Save Interval from 1 to 120 minutes between automatic saves. Enable or disable automatic saving whilst the aircraft is on the ground. Maximum number of saves to keep from 1 to 30. Fully integrated into flightsim X FSXSave starts automatically with flightsim X Options window available from the flightsim X addons menu Easy Install FSXSave uses the Windows Installer and can be removed using the Windows Control Panel FSXSave is free to use for personal use. Requirements: Microsoft. Net Framework version 2 or later (downloaded and installed by the Installer software if not already installed). Microsoft Flight Simulator flightsim X Service Pack 2. Installation: 1. Download and extract the FSXSave. Zip f
Show more... ile to your system. 2. The extracted folder should include two files: a. Setup. exe b. FSXSave. msi c. FSXSave User Doc. pdf d. ReadMe. txt 3. Double-click on Setup. exe to start the installation. For far-flung instructions on setting-up and use, please refer to the FSXSave User Doc file included in this package. If you have any queries regarding FSXSave, please contact the author, Glynn Wilshaw on fsxsaveatwilshaw. com. FSXSave Copyright Glynn Wilshaw 2009 Show less...

Filesize: 1.33 MB | Added on: Dec 08, 2009 | Downloads: 4341

Users Reviews
FSXSave Version 1.0.4 Features Users configure settings. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

Tholusrating: 9
July 19, 2010
Sehr gutes Programm. Beim deutschsprachigen FSX mu der Ordner Flight Simulator X Files im Verzeichnis Dokumente unbedingt manuel erstellt werden, sonst kommen immer Fehlermeldungen. Der wird aber trotzdem nicht vom zum abspeichern verwendet.
erycklegarating: 8
June 7, 2010
good one.. thanks..
niklas2310rating: 4
February 27, 2010
it s not so good