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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 FSX Boeing 727-200 Kulula In August, 2001, Comair started a no-frills airline called Kulula. com (Easy in zulu) between Johannesburg and Cape Town (South Africa). It started with two B-727-200. developed by 2003, they leased a third 727 (ZS-NOV), and today, there are three 737-436 and one 737-200 flying between five citys. Model developed by Vistaliners, repaint developed by Alejandro Hurtado.

Filesize: 5.86 MB | Added on: Nov 07, 2009 | Downloads: 3156

Users Reviews
FS2004 FSX Boeing 727-200 Kulula August 2001 Comair. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Dc7guyrating: 9
February 4, 2010
Excellent graphics...nice authentic 727 looks and flies great The panel...your gonna have to DL another..the panel that comes with the package is generic To author... Keep up work thanks for a nice download