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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX SP-2 Acceleration Boeing 7072 Orion Supersonic transport My take of the Orion craft from 2001, A Space Odyssey Models contain Virtual Cockpit and passengers cabin views, and multiple paint schemes. This is my first model with DDS textures.

Filesize: 20.19 MB | Added on: Oct 24, 2009 | Downloads: 5697

Users Reviews
FSX SP-2 Acceleration Boeing 7072 Orion Supersonic. Rating: 7.94 of 10 over a total of 17 reviews.

100003371384892-facebookrating: 9
December 26, 2012
Very awesome
100002158866959-facebookrating: 1
September 30, 2012
The plane is invisible
jem2768rating: 10
June 24, 2012
not bad at all
kevinaaronrating: 10
December 29, 2011
i love the veiws
Jordan12345rating: 10
November 18, 2011
Looks awesome Great I love it
tararating: 8
October 2, 2011
Excellent good plane
strongking43rating: 9
July 1, 2011
I simply fell in love with this spaceliner. However, encountered a problem. After flying few miles, lose control and the plane crashes. you o certain speed just loses control. still haven t figured out how to fix it. Any way, best thing about add on is virtual cockpit. You don see many great ones like one
mpoutrerating: 6
April 10, 2011
This is a really good plane. It has great handling. Great speed. And acceleration.
fc_04052707244738819111rating: 8
March 20, 2011
Very flyable indeed.Excellent work my friend.Surprising quality for a freeware addon. Ok,small gauge problem...but the overall pays you well .Many thanks and credits as
fc_rating: 5
February 9, 2011
It s a pretty good plane except for the fact that when you go over certain speed, pitch control locks up. I can t believe m first one to have noticed. Other than that, other comments are right.
670804894-facebookrating: 10
November 29, 2010
COOOL this rocks
samthecaptainrating: 7
November 13, 2010
From what i have previously assesed, the B7072 is a remakably high quality freeware addon. The reason I am downloading again because there was gauges problem ie. were none
1391441113-facebookrating: 9
June 29, 2010
This is a good add on. Good quality, performance.
1504095204-facebookrating: 7
June 18, 2010
this plane is so fun to fly and easy handle
Einsteinrating: 6
June 14, 2010
johne11rating: 10
May 30, 2010
First time i see this Boeing so awesome job man
Talibanrating: 10
April 22, 2010
super build vc and very good grafics but not soo detailed bmp dds textures