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FSX Maule M7 260C Blue Grey Maules are rugged and simple. These traits, along with their short-takeoff-or-lan ding capability, make them popular among bush pilots. The Maule M-7-260C is a taildragger with spring-aluminum landing gear and a wide stance, suitable for taking off from and landing on rough, unprepared surfaces. Its 260-horsepower Lycoming engine provides power to transport up to five people at a relatively fast cruise speed. Ease of handling (with the usual caveats about landing taildraggers in a crosswind) and economical operation round out this planes sturdy virtues. The ski option adds to the 260Cs versatility. by danielwgraphics. gmail. com

Filesize: 2.08 MB | Added on: Oct 23, 2009 | Downloads: 2010