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FS2004 Photoreal Poos de Caldas Aeroporto Embaixador Walter Moreira SAlles (SBPC) Scenery Addon para FS2004 Version 1. 0, 26 4 2008 Author: Jouber Borba e-mail: jouberborba_at_hotma il. com This scenery contains the Ambassador Walter Moreira SAlles Airport of Poos de Caldas with hangars, terminal, aircraft into the patio (RWY12, as for lack of picturegraphs, I could not do real textures from the buildings into the GMAX), runway with real size: 1515m x 30m (considerate the highest runway in Brazil, located at a high of 1260m) and nocturnal illumination from runway, taxiways and patio. Contains also the picturereal scenery of the city with some buildings and houses (autogen on some parts of the city) and lightmap (a little precarious, because is the first attempt to do a picturereal scenery). Included AFCAD of the SBPC (realistic dimensions).

Filesize: 23.93 MB | Added on: Aug 19, 2009 | Downloads: 1321