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Thomas Ruth A330-200 Freighter Development Kit This kit contains the following files for those who want to develop an A300-200F version of Thomas Ruths excellent A330-200: 1) Rolls Royce and Pratt & Whitney model 24-bit main bitmaps made from Thomas Ruths paint kit. 3) Updated bumpmap and lightmap textures applicable to the freighter version. 4) Suggested modifications to the aircraft. cfg for a freighter configuration. This kit was developed in accordance with Thomas Ruths original copyright statement Matt Smith wwa2218_at_live. com

Filesize: 4.63 MB | Added on: Aug 13, 2009 | Downloads: 1579

Users Reviews
Thomas Ruth A330-200 Freighter Development Kit kit s. Rating: 9.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

boaireingbus1122112rating: 8
November 21, 2016
qwdqsdasdrating: 10
December 13, 2014
antwebrating: 10
September 3, 2013