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Londons Heathrow International Airport EGLL by Kambiz Agazi (kagazi) EGLLKA. bgl is a significant modification to the FSX msfs default EGLL. Version 1 represents EGLL as it existed in February 2009.. . Special note: EGLLKA. bgl was created using the powerful airport design utility by Jon Masterson (ADE V1. 40). Please visit here: http: www. airportdesigneditor. co. uk for more information. The final approach with transitions were created using the latest official plates and ADE V1. 40. A special thanks to Jim Vile who is a member of the ADE team and is the author of the approach code module of ADE. The IAPs and final approaches to runways 9L and 27R would not have been possible without Jims KIAD tutorial and help. Happy Flying! kagazi kambizagazi_at_hotma il. com

Filesize: 1.24 MB | Added on: Jul 23, 2009 | Downloads: 2131