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FS2004 Scenery Tern Island French Frigate Shoals. This is a tiny 30-acre coral island located in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, approximately 490 miles WNW of Oahu. The island is maintained as a field station in the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). It provides critical breeding habitat to millions of nesting seabirds, endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals, and threatened Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. The scenery was made with SBuilderX and is in the correct position according to satellite views. The airport was corrected with Airport Design Editor. There are 2 tailored objects in the scenery, one the Tern Island sign which was done with gmax by myself and the other is the windsock and I have no idea where I got that. Whoever did it I am eternally grateful for it. Its the best windsock Ive seen. This scenery has day and night sounds. I hope you enjoy this scenery. Joe Watson Lake Placid, Florida raptor67_at_comcast. net

Filesize: 3.16 MB | Added on: Jul 22, 2009 | Downloads: 1400

Users Reviews
FS2004 Scenery Tern Island French Frigate Shoals. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

kosmos224rating: 9
December 3, 2011
What a beatufiul scenery