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Raf Banff (Scotland) airfield scenery for CFS2. This includes GSL scenery which will display in missions or free flight. RAF Banff was an operational Strike Wing base between 1943 and 1945. It was host mainly to Mosquitoes and Beaufighters. The following are the Squadrons of RAF Banff Strike Wing Coastal Command 1943 -1945 143 sqdr Royal Air Force 144 sqdr Royal Air Force 235 sqdr Royal Air Force 248 sqdr Royal Air Force 333 sqdr Royal Norwegian Air Force 404 sqdr Royal Canadian Air Force 445 sqdr Royal Australian Air Force 489 sqdr Royal New Zealand Air Force When the squadron personnel arived at the newly built RAF Banff in 1943, there was an extreme shortage of toilet facilities, so included in the Daily Routine Orders was this: Airmen must refrain from urinating on the tailplanes of ai
Show more... rcraft, as this was rusting the controls. The following file is needed for the scenery to work: GSLRAFBuildings. zip http: www. sim-outhouse. com index. php?lloc downloads&loc downloads&page info&FileID 4221.. . The files by me are freeware, you can use them in any way. Dont blame me if your computer explodes. Enjoy. TheEditor editor_at_llanellisc ar. co. uk Show less...

Filesize: 343.72 Kb | Added on: Jul 18, 2009 | Downloads: 1097