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FS2004 CYSU Summerside Airport Prince Edward Island I build this scenery with SceneGenX, RWY12 and Afcad AF2. Also I have ultement terain but it may not matter. In order to see this scenery You must have all RWY12 FILES and all addons. For those who would like to add to it or change it [ go for it ]. I put all pictures and the SceneGenX CYSU Summerside. SGX file to get in the scenery. In a SceneGenX zip file.. . This is FREE :: If annyone adds to it Please keep it FREE. Sincerely yours: Ed & Mary DesRoches E-mail: jed. 2005_at_sympatico. ca 860 Liverpool Rd. Pickering Canada. L1W1S4 905-839-2078

Filesize: 4.04 MB | Added on: Jun 20, 2009 | Downloads: 1369