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NATAL-SBNT ILS-RW16L The archive SBNT-ILS-RW16L creates, in FS2002 and FS2004, ILS for the Brazilian airport of NATAL (RN) SBNT, inexistent in these versions: Identifier : LLZ DME INT Frequency : 109. 30 RW : 16L (163) Installation: 1 To create in Addon Scenery, a folder denomination Natal-SBNT-ILS-16L and in this a folder called Scenery; 2 To extract the archive SBNT-ILS-RW16L. bgl for the folder Scenery; 3 Go to Scenery Library and using Add Area adds new area Natal-SBNT-ILS-16L to the FS; 4 Closed the Flight Simulator and restart it so the archive is activated. The archive was created through the EasyNavs2000, by Herv Sors. The author is not responsible for any damage which may result from the use of this archive. Any problems or suggestions to the author: Sergio Pimenta sergiopimenta1943_at _hotmail. com

Filesize: 5.03 MB | Added on: Jun 04, 2009 | Downloads: 2133