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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 FSX (SP2 Acceleration compatible) Loire Nieuport LN-411, complete package, with all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc, animations, tailored panel and a full virtual cockpit. By Patrice Grange, April 2009. The Loire-Nieuport LN-411 was a French dive bomber operated by the Aeronautique Navale ( the French Navy) in 1940. This airplane, known as the French Stuka, had a significant but unknown ! role in a couple of battles against the German invasion in 1940. The model has all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc.. and animations (control surfaces, gear, flaps, opening canopy, steering wheel, cockpit animations,. .. ), an original tailored 2D panel and a full animated Virtual Cockpit. Designed by Patrice Grange. Contact patrice. grange_at_wanadoo. fr This file is distributed as a Freeware. It must neither be sold nor used in any way to make money or profit.

Filesize: 5.92 MB | Added on: Jun 03, 2009 | Downloads: 1885