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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Hughes 269C FEATURES fully Native FSX. Forgiving and stable yet nimble flight dynamics Animated pilot, pedals, sticks and doors multiple paints with a repainters master texture included Dynamic Virtual Cockpit Tested using Acceleration and DX9 ; compiled with the FSX SDK for FSX exclusively By Bruce Fitzgerald fitzgeba_at_hotmail. com

Filesize: 6.35 MB | Added on: May 05, 2009 | Downloads: 3793

Users Reviews
Hughes 269C FEATURES fully Native FSX. Rating: 8.18 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

100002454060745-facebookrating: 6
January 15, 2012
Hmm... not bad, but I see better helicopters...
100003162073864-facebookrating: 8
December 24, 2011
great little helicoter
ravensfreak0624rating: 9
August 17, 2011
Very easy to use, will be posting a YouTube video recommending this aircraft
fc_09619008170357028124rating: 10
March 22, 2011
Wonderful helicopter. It s so much fun and the most sensitive helicopter I have. such a joy to fly like landing on buildings. With this helicopter, you can land anywhere, any building just love it
spreillyrating: 9
March 7, 2011
Great heli to fly, model. Just needs a TH 55A Repaint
somdechrating: 7
January 24, 2011
fly man
fc_rating: 10
December 29, 2010
This is the cutest little helicopter I ve ever seen It s so much fun to fly
519485881-facebookrating: 7
July 26, 2010
Love the personal light helicopter concept Package has been very well put together. Works flawlessly in FSX running dual core vista 64 bit. Unfortunately, as with all rotorcraft FS, if you do not have luxury of elaborate control devices, experience is limited. Overall though, a good heli to learn basics in.
timmy101rating: 5
July 15, 2010
looks alright. no sound though. was a pdf file
nickynegrating: 10
August 27, 2009
ke figo
Viking606rating: 9
July 29, 2009
Great little chopper, a blast to fly